On Puzzles and Life

Anne Cortez
1 min readApr 2, 2020

I picked up the last piece and placed it gingerly on the remaining empty space. There goes the 500-piece puzzle we tried to complete for two and half hours.

It was a good exercise. Surprisingly therapeutic I must say. Building the puzzle reminded me of simple truths I often forget:

1. Know what you are building. See the big picture
2. Start from the corners. Have the right foundations and work from there
3. Be patient. It is a process of trial and error
4. Don’t force the pieces to fit if they don’t
5. When you are tired, feel free to rest. Then get back at it
6. When you feel you are not making any progress, just keep going. The seemingly confusing pieces will make sense later on
7. Trust the process. You will find the missing piece

On to the next one.

